Gadaki Aggregation Center

Gadaki Aggregation Center is located in Mkenge Village, Ganda Ward – Malindi Sub-County. The center was established by 15 farmer groups with a total of 195 members.

The center is managed by 16 elected committee members from the 15 farmer groups. Farmer groups are from Msabaha, Mashamba, Mkenge and Pendukiani in Ganda ward.

Key activities include:

  1. Processing of cassava dried cassava chips to be sold to Renman Africa based in Malindi
  2. Processing of animal feeds to be sold to dairy farmers and poultry farmers within Ganda ward
  3. Mentorship of group members under the center on village savings and loaning association concept for sustained financial support among the group members
  4. Sensitizing group members to plant more cassava during rain seasons.

Members contributed a total of Ksh. 24,800 to support the construction of four raised drying racks, two pairs of dust coats, two pairs of gumboots, 60 meters of shade net, three tarpaulins, two buckets, four basins, four members taken for medical examination for food safety during cassava chips processing. The project supported the center with one cassava chipper, one weighing scale, one milling machine, technical support on operation and maintenance of processing equipment, linkage to markets such as Renman, Local Market and business development services such as business plan development, business record keeping, profit margin analysis.


  • The center members have sensitized 195 project farmers and 586 non-project farmers on planting Tajirika, a cassava variety that produces more cassava tubers. The farmers got Ksh 237,500 from the 47,500 kgs and the center got ksh 256,500 from the 9,500 kgs of dried cassava chips processed.
  • Provided market for 21 farmers from the cassava groups under the center. Processed 1,800 kgs of animal feeds from cassava dried chips and sold to dairy farmers within Ganda ward.


  • The center lacks working capital for buying fresh cassava tubers from farmers. Withdrawal of TruTrade from Kilifi County on cassava marketing, the center went for local market for the dried cassava chips and also ventured into production of animal feeds.
  • Low production of cassava in Kilifi due to the dry spell in 2021 made the center to reduce processing of dried cassava. The dry spell in Kilifi in 2021 reduced cassava production thus reduced cassava fresh tubers for the center to process.

Future Plans

The long-term plans of the center include:

  • Penetration of the local market on cassava dried chips and cassava flour through consumer awareness events.
  • Penetration of local market by opening an outlet at Msabaha Trading Centre.
  •  Expand the processing capacity to meet the dried cassava chips and animal feeds to meet the market demand for both human consumption and animal feeds.
  • Sensitize farmers to grow cassava for increased production in Malindi Sub County.
  • Increased milling of cassava flour and packaging for wider market .