Fish Project

The Upscaling Agricultural Technologies to Enhance Reared Fish Productivity to Improve productivity for Small Holder Farmers in Kilifi county sought to deal with the effects of overfishing in the county while responding to the financial and nutrition needs of the target beneficiaries. This would be achieved by the establishment of 2 hatcheries that provides access to fish and fingerlings at a substituted price.
The program trained farmers on sustainable fishing technologies, pond management, business planning and market access.

Tilapia Mariculture Hatchery
Advanced mariculture breeding center producing mono-sex marine fish fingerlings, featuring specialized hormone treatment facilities. Current focus on high-value species with 85% survival rate.

Fresh Water Hatchery
Modern facility excelling in mono-sex tilapia (98% male success) and African catfish fingerling production, with dedicated breeding units and advanced monitoring systems.

Feed Formulation Center
Industry-grade feed production facility ensuring nutritional excellence through scientific formulation and rigorous quality control, supporting both marine and freshwater species.

Capacity Building
Beneficiary groups have been capacity built and exposed to increase their knowledge base in todays quick changing environment.