Malanga aggregation center is located in Malanga Village, Malindi sub-County, Kilifi County and processes dry cassava chips and mills cassava flour. The center, which was founded in January 2021, is made up of 12 cassava farmer groups with a total membership of 248 people (69 men and 179 women). The center is run by a committee drawn from all the groups.
The members of the groups contributed Ksh 34,000 towards the establishment of the center. The money was used in the construction of raised drying racks, purchase of shade net, tarpaulins, basins, buckets, a water tank, dust coats, storage racks, gumboots. Two members underwent medical examination. ( medical examination for food safety while processing cassava chips, The area assistant chief offered three rooms for the project.
The Strengthening the Competitiveness of the Cassava Value Chain in Kenya Program (SCCVP) supported the center with one weighing scale, one chipper and a milling machine. The program has also offered the center technical support and business development services.
- The center committee has a role model in cassava value addition and the scenario has encouraged project and non-project farmers to plant more cassava as the center serves as a buying center.
- To date, the center has processed a total of 27,532 kgs of fresh tubers which is equivalent to 4,746 kgs . From this, 3,800 kgs of cassava waste sold as animal feeds to dairy farmers within Ganda ward, Malindi sub county, has been used as animal feeds.
- Provided a market for 32 cassava farmers.
- The center is currently undergoing the KEBS certification process.
- The center has experienced low quantities of cassava due to reduced production occasioned by the dry spell experienced in 2021 and up to April 2022.
- The center also lacks working capital and thus purchases fresh cassava tubers from farmers on a loan basis and pays them when the dried chips are sold.
- Fluctuation of dried cassava prices due to buyers controlling the price between Ksh 23 and Ksh 27. The buyers decide the price to buy the dried cassava chips.
- The center is currently processing small quantities due to low production of cassava from farms due to the dry spell experienced in Kilifi in 2021 and thus cannot meet large orders.
Future Plans
- To meet the demand for dried cassava chips, the center intends to expand its processing capacity.
- Through consumer awareness events, they seek to broaden their product portfolio and penetrate the local market with cassava dried chips, cassava flour, cassava flour blends, and by-products.
- The center is working towards attaining KEBS certification and branding its products.