Mayungu High Vision was formed 2017 and registered 2018. It has 8 members, all female, and the group is involved in fisheries value chain, from fish capture, to selling fresh fish and other sea products, processing value added products from fish to the ready market in Mayungu town. The group’s purpose is to help eradicate poverty, empower women and create job opportunities to youth and entire community. The group is located in Kilifi county, Malindi sub-location.
Mayungu high vision fish enterprise activities were adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic that occurred in the year 2020. The revenues from the sale of fish and sea products dwindled. This resulted into losses both in terms of revenues and available stock. The ready market had stopped being regular due to limited cash flow in the economy. The group could not settle their salary arrears to employed staff, the group was in rent arrears for their business premises, accrued utility bills (water and electricity) and the working environment became difficult to maintain. It was severely affected when the group members were tested positive for the Covid-19 virus and had to close down their business for 3 months due to quarantine measures.
Mayungu high vision women group received a grand from USADF that enabled them to clear pending arrears. Given the Covid-19 experience, the first thing the group managed to do is provide a safe working environment for all its staff and members while keeping in mind the potential customers. Safety kits were purchased along with sanitizers, masks and hand washing utilities. Rent for business premises was paid, utility bills arrears (water and electricity) were paid and pending salaries were also paid. Business resumed and it has steadily gained momentum. The sales revenues have increased, providing additional income to facilitate continuous purchase of fresh stock and raw materials. The group, with the help of USADF has been able to re-establish working relationships and market linkages with various partners, value chain actors and stakeholders in the fisheries value chain that has brought positive impact to the business.
The positive market linkages and business relationship with value chain actors has enabled the group to gain and venture into new market segments. The women are now selling fresh fish and fish products to local institutions, county government departments and hotels. This has increased their sales to an average of KES. 1,581,555, which translates to a 55% increase. The additional income has enabled the group to open a new fish shop with additional space that is targeted to become a restaurant serving sea food and fish delicacies. Good market linkages has helped the group obtain a financial facility of Kes. 250,000 from Mbegu Fund.
Stanbic Foundation Grant Update
Mayungu High Vision secure a 5 million shillings grant from Stanbic Foundation after an intense pitching run.
Ms. Mishi Receiving the Stanbic Grant